Health Patients

Through the data epidemiologists and of the knowledge of how much the treatment WENT of it is desgastante for the patient and at the same time little efficient since the tecidual necrosis is irreversible, it makes if necessary to act in favor of the prevention of it THEY WENT and control of the agravos in the infartados patients. For this it is indispensable to know the factors of risk and the characteristics of the acometido patient. METHOD Ahead of the abrangncia of the risk factors that involve the acute patients with infarto of the myocardium, was opted to using the theoretical referencial of described Field of Health for Lalonde (*) apud Oliveira (7). This referencial engloba biology human being (sex, age, Index of Corporal Mass (IMC), feminine hormone use, clinical and familiar history); the life style (causes attributed for the patient for occurrence of infarto acute of the myocardium, alimentary habits, alcoholic beverage, tobaccoism, activity physics, estresse and standard of sleep); the environment (level of instruction, occupation, turn of work, number of jobs, familiar income, civil state, origin and place of residence) and the system of health (referring information to the current pathology, doubts how much to the illness, medical treatments carried through and use of the health systems). The research is about a exploratrio descriptive study, carried through in a filantrpico hospital of Wells of Caldas-MG. The patients had been interviewed all who had given entered in the sector of Urgency/Emergency and interned with diagnosis of THEY WENT in the period of October of 2007 the January of 2008, perfazendo a total of 30 patients. RESULTS AND QUARREL Analysis of the 0 variable related to the plan of health Of the interviewed patients, 24 (80.0%) had been taken care of by the Only System of Health. When it was inquired regarding the use of the services of health 23 (76.7%) of the patients made use of the units basic of health, 4 (13.3%) made use of particular service, 2 (6.6%) made use of particular service and basic unit of health, and, 1 (3,3%) only made accord use.

Author: admin