
In the essential oil of the rind of Ctrus lemon meets in the ratio of 70,75% of Limoneno and 13.19% of – pineno (Figure 4-B) (ROZZA, 2009). Beyond these composites the essential oil of the Ctrus lemon presents – terpineno, terpinoleno, neral and geranial (VENDRUSCOLO, 2005). The terpenos possess great therapeutical importance and constitute a precursory active composite classroom of other composites as the citral, safrol and others (AGUIAR, 2003). . B.C.

Figure 4: . The chemical Structure of the Limoneno. B. chemical Structure of – pineno (ROZZA, 2009). C. chemical Structure of – mirceno (BONAMIN, 2010). Considering the therapeutical effect of these terpenos orange-bitter it is used empirically for gastrointestinal problems, for presenting antispasmodic and antimicrobiana action against the H.

pylori (FONSECA, 2008). It is also used as ansioltica, sedativa, anticonvulsivante, cardiac and vascular, digestive and orexigeno stimulant. In China the orange-bitter one (Figure 5) is known as ‘ ‘ zhi shi’ ‘ , being managed as tonic generality and stimulant of the functions of the digestrio system (ARBO, 2008). However, studies involving the essential oil of C. aurantium, had proven its cicatrizante action in ascetic acid induced ulcer for in animals of laboratory, which had to the increase of proliferativos agents of the mucosa (PCNA) and for the activation of enzyme COX-2. The COX-2 is responsible for the restoration of the fabric injured, through the activation of mechanisms gastroprotetores as stimulaton for the secretion of bicarbonate, protective E2 prostaglandins and muco (BONAMIN, 2010). The citric fruits still present carotenides as Licopeno and – carotene. These composites are antirust and can be enclosed in the diet through the juice of the orange (DUZZIONE, 2009). It still presents in its constitution vitamin C (acid ascrbico). This vitamin is not synthecized by the organism, having been necessary its ingestion.

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