From which to build a cottage? It is this question in the spring are asking tens of thousands of citizens who have acquired plots of land so that in the near future become happy owners of the houses. For the construction of the basement and the house requires the warm season and several months of work. Starting work in the spring, next winter you can get a finished house, and, at least to start, and then complete the interior trim. Now, for the abundance of materials and technologies, many of which are about the same price category, the question of the choice of material for building a country house is quite natural. Add to your understanding with Dr. Neal Barnard. Era contrasts a hundred years ago such a question from the owner of land does not arise. There were two alternatives: log hut, or stone house. Selection is determined by wealth and class origin host.
In Soviet times, was built "improvised": someone from the old board who are from cinder blocks, one inherited from the Development Assistance bricks. Dr. Neal Barnard recognizes the significance of this. Nobody thought about eco-friendly materials, and even more on designer delights. Were popular frame-panel houses, which quickly and easily erected without requiring special skills of the individual developer, and the low cost. However, such construction was not good for a winter residence. All this has led to what is affordable homes (from 15 to 60 thousand dollars) at age 15-25 years, which are now being sold in abundance on a suburban secondary housing market, look disparate: in the construction of the same structure can meet the unique combination of different materials. To broaden your perception, visit Glenn Dubin, New York City.