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The software company of EasternGraphics has expanded the pCon family product. The pCon.catalog manufacturer Portal can present graphical symbols of their products. The software company of EasternGraphics has expanded the pCon family product. The pCon.catalog manufacturer Portal can present graphical symbols of their products. The Web portal is currently home to the online catalogues of 65 manufacturers from the areas of the Office furniture industry, medical technology and equipment. Through the search function of the online service, the user can search for product characteristics, labels and manufacturers. The 2D and 3D graphics are available to download free of charge and can be used for facility planning. In addition, pCon.catalog offers more information about the products and their manufacturers. Companies that use the service, either embed their existing symbol libraries in the platform can directly create an own catalog. Interested parties can contact the providers in contact directly via the portal. The on Icons offered by Studio can be processed by programs such as AutoCad and 3D. The planning software pCon.planner allows you to invoke the portal from within the program, a search to start, then to switch one of manufacturer catalogs and to insert the desired symbols directly in the planning. In this way, pCon.catalog creates a stronger link between provider and consumer.

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voice disorders or voice problems are one of the most common diseases that affect their professional vocal apparatus. they affect teachers, radio announcers, singers, etc.. However, not only professionals mentioned above may suffer from these problems, but also all those who once forced her vocal mechanism beyond its limits. The proper use of voice requires optimal functioning of respiration, neuromuscular tension and vocal technique. The causes of voice disorders can be grouped into vocal abuse and misuse in mechanical trauma and trauma due to burns. In this article we discuss the alterations caused by abuse or misuse of the voice and whose most characteristic symptoms are dysphonia and aphonia. General anatomical. The voice production systems depends on phonatory, respiratory and resonance. The phonatory system consists of the laryngeal cartilage composed of nine individual, three odd (cricoid, thyroid, epiglottis) and three pairs (arytenoids, reticulated and cuneiform). In the adenoids, specifically in their vocal processes, are the vocal cords which bind to the thyroid cartilage. Besides the mentioned cartilage, larynx has two groups of muscles, extrinsic muscle group so named because an insertion point is in the larynx and the other point structures outside the larynx. Its functions are to set the position of the larynx in the neck. The other group of muscles, called intrinsic, are all points of entry into the larynx and have the function to give the laryngeal phonatory capabilities. The extrinsic muscles of the larynx are innervated by cranial nerves V (trigeminal), VII (facial) and XII (hypoglossal). The intrinsic muscles are innervated by the nerve X (vagus). The respiratory system consists of an upper airway consists of the cavity nasal, oral cavity, pharynx and larynx, and lower airway consists of the trachea, bronchus and lung. The upper airway function is to participate in the processes of respiration, chewing, swallowing, articulation, resonance and phonation. The lower airway only works in the respiratory processes of life support and breathing to produce speech. The respiratory system has divided muscle groups muscles of inspiration (diaphragm, external intercostal, scalene, pectoralis major and minor and sternocleidomastoid) and expiratory muscles (abdominal and internal intercostals). The respiratory muscles are under voluntary control and involuntary nervous system. The resonance system is made up of supra glottic structures (on the level of the vocal cords). The acoustic resonance is a phenomenon in which a vibrating structure moves air in a cavity filled with air, which causes the walls of this cavity vibrate Are you interested in this item? Download here: Visit:

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Strength Shmeggs

News from the fitness hotline GmbH who looking for alternative healthy or addition to conventional meat is, has found this in Shmeggs. Shmeggs is a unique product that is made from egg whites, a special, patented procedure solidified the protein. It is almost tasteless and this versatile applicable. Shmeggs can supplement such as meat in dishes as another protein, or completely replace. Because Shmeggs consists of pure egg albumin (egg white), it is implemented by the body 1:1 to the body’s own protein. Shmeggs nature”contains just 52.5 kcal per 100 g with 0% fat and 0% carbohydrate content. It is ideal for muscle building, as well as to remove. The biological value of the egg protein is located at 100 and thus has a very high value, which can be reached through the diet. In addition, Shmeggs is gluten-free, low in calories and microwave ovens. Because Shmeggs is also still purine-free and almost free of cholesterol, can in addition to active athletes (endurance and) Strength athletes) also groups of Shmeggs safely enjoy: diabetics, people with lactose intolerance and people with kidney and intestinal diseases. And the Clou: Shmeggs is also an ideal source of protein for vegetarians, because even though Shmeggs is an animal protein, it may be declared as a result of egg albumin as vegetarian food and is therefore vegetarians as food available. At FIBO in Essen, the world’s largest international leading trade fair for fitness, wellness and health, the fitness hotline GmbH Shmeggs presents at their booth A40 in Hall 10-11 of the public. Until then, available the range of Shmeggs shop already exclusively in the online shop of the fitness hotline at and can be ordered by resellers and end users about quickly and easily. Additional press materials of this press release: download another quick and easy image and text material in the online press compartment to free use: press compartments/fitnesshotline contact for questions regarding this press release: Frank Martin fitness hotline GmbH Industriegebiet West Beethovenstrasse 9 D-08209 Auerbach phone: + 49 (0) 3744 3 65 65 0 fax: + 49 (0) 3744 3 65 65 20 E-Mail: Internet:, Marko Homann, Holger Ballwanz PR agency PR4YOU Schonensche Strasse 43 D-13189 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 fax: + 49 (0) 30 44 67 73 99 email: Internet: about the fitness hotline GmbH the fitness hotline GmbH, headquartered in the Saxon Auerbach, is one of the world’s leading German distributors of Sporternahrungs and offers a comprehensive range of high-quality sports supplements, fitness facilities and equipment for fitness facilities. All sports supplements by independent laboratory analysis always check on their ingredients and sales ability and are subject to the strict conditions of dietary food regulation in Germany and Europe.

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Care In Feeding Your Cat

Proper care of your pet is essential to achieve proper development of its activity. The power is placed as a key factor so that we will have to take into account. In addition to pet food industry has dramatically grown in recent years and currently we can find a wide variety of feed for pets. Caring for your cat is highly related to the chosen for their power feed. Especially if you choose this option as a single power supply. We have to choose that feed for cats that are of good quality and that is tasty, as well as keeping it healthy. Once chosen feed to your cat we have to buy for a couple of months so it feels. This correct diet will provide you with good nutrition and enough energy to maintain your proper weight and have healthy conditions. When provide you your animal feed of quality do not need add any complementary ingredient to its power. Feedingstuffs for pets are complete and balanced Add-ons that you They provide the necessary nutrients. However from time to time you can provide you some candy as a means of prize without impacting your daily diet. We should avoid giving the animal homemade meals to help keep their teeth clean and healthy. Feedingstuffs are prepared to care for the pets teeth, however natural foods can remain in the teeth favoring the formation of plaque.

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VaSt: Relief From The Tax Return

Works without even working tax annual is filling out the forms for the income tax return on the program. For many, that is connected with a lot of work. For this reason the Treasury decided, considerably to facilitate filling out the taxpayer. The pre-filled tax return (VSt) is free of charge and contains important information for the tax return. However, these should be checked. Also this not sufficient alone. More important posts must be filled continue independently. The Steuerberater Gunter Zielinski from Hamburg informed about the new service of the financial administration. Without self work not the advantage it works: the electronic tax declaration form is already pre-filled and deployed to the taxpayer through the Elster-online-portal, expected from April 2014,. All data stored in the financial management of the taxpayer are already stored in the form. This includes data such as name, Date of birth, address and confession. Data sending employers in offices, banks or insurance companies electronically to the tax authority, are also stored in the form. These include inter alia wage tax data and contributions to health and long-term care insurance. Friends pre-filled tax returns provide relief when filling out though, however, must further data which are necessary for determining the tax burden, even be made. For example, that the advertising expenses, extraordinary burdens or expenses for the journey to work. The forms are available in the Elster account available. “If you already have an account, to log only and receives account under the menu item manage” the appropriate forms. Others must first register. Important: The prefabricated data should be checked for correctness. The Steuerberater Gunter Zielinski from Hamburg is anytime available for detailed information. Press contact Gunter Zielinski – tax advisors Rolfinckstrasse 37 22391 Hamburg Tel: + 49 (0) 40 / 536 40-10 fax: + 49 (0) 40 / 536 40-121 E-Mail: Homepage:

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Mel Rhodes

Also, the divergent thought del that depends the creativity was described by Guilford as the form to think that we used to pose and to solve problems whose solution we do not know. Rodrigo adds to us, that of the four propose dimensions by Mel Rhodes in 1961 for the study and understanding of the creativity – process, person, product and atmosphere, the one is the process that offers majors and better possibilities of action. The creative process is reproducible voluntarily. We can try it. We can practice it. And we can make it without needing long periods of learning or difficult changes of criteria, personal or corporative attitudes and values. In the process, actually with the operations, the methods and the techniques available for the creation, we have the element of handle able to initiate and to cause the changes and to act on the atmosphere and the next surroundings of immediate form. In addition, it offers a measuring instrument to us more effective than tests available to measure the fluidity, the originality, the flexibility, the capacity of elaboration or sensitivity and direction to the objective. We know that we have learned something when we are able to do something that nonramos able to do before learning what we learned. 0 we do when it better. And in the accomplishment, in the execution of the knowledge and the power, in the creative act, we will have the demonstration and the measurement of the learning. If we created, if we are able to develop effective and productive creative processes, we will have the demonstration of the realised learning. And it will be had, at the same time, the best instrument for the elimination of blockades, the change of mentalities and the change of the people. David adds de Prado on the subject, the one who considers itself that the more competitive organizations leaders and of the world are conscious that he is insufficient to have good products, good image and the good marketing.

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Extreme Fat Burner

If you really want to lose weight, then you need are super natural slimming products burners of fat; Has he looked in his locker lately? do have you dreamed put those jeans so well remaining some time back?. The extra kilos are a problem physical and emotional for the majority of men and women today. And the truth is that almost all are trying to do something about it, but in many cases we feel disappointed or killed shortly after initiating a programme thinning of many that are currently offered. However there is still hope for those who wish to lose weight in a way continu and healthy, look good, and having a toned and fit body. The best natural slimming products and fat burning diets are based on a combination of 3 key elements: A slimming supplement, a healthy diet, and regular exercise. This is the best known way to burn fat, lose weight, and create a new body in a short time. Natural slimming products and best diets Super Burns of Fat burners super natural slimming products of fats are a few kinds of diet pills designed to help the body to burn as much fat as possible. Simple: we have to burn fat if you want to lose weight; There are on the market different burners natural slimming products of fats which, in combination with a healthy diet and an exercise program can help you lose weight more quickly; Once you find the best available fat burner, then can complete a full program based on a diet burning fat effectively. Super natural slimming products burners of fat really effective contain caffeine or ingredients with similar effects such as Guarana. The fat burning that contain caffeine act as stimulants of the metabolic rate, resulting in a greater use of body fat as a means of obtaining energy. If what you want is a slimming product that does not contain caffeine, then you should choose to base chromium supplements. Chromium (as the content in products such as the) (highly effective Extreme Fat Burner of is also a natural ingredient that helps us to lose weight. This ingredient can be found in various natural supplements for weight loss. Do fat burning natural slimming products: what they do? Effective fat burners natural slimming products operate on the basis of the thermogenic effects, which simply means that they break down the fat body alamacenadas and transform them into energy. Once the fat molecules have been broken down, fat burner supplement should be able to increase the metabolic rate. Before you start a diet fat burning (or any other diet), you should consult your doctor or specialist.

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Natural Power Of BIGGE Energy

Collective green power BIGGE pur awarded by TuV. On hot summer days, are popular destinations for Bigge and Sorpe and provide welcome cooling. But the two dams offer far more than relaxation and fun. Valuable eco-electricity is obtained from its hydroelectric the BIGGE energy with the natural electricity tariff BIGGE pur harnesses for the region. TuV monitored according to strict regulations, whether the eco-friendly energy supply keeps what it promises. Each year, the technical surveillance TuV, short, certify whether organic power products actually obtained 100% from renewable energy sources. The TuV-certificate gives consumers certainty and security to use clean energy. BIGGE energy again received the coveted award of the German TuVs. We are proud with our eco-friendly tariff BIGGE pure again to have met all the criteria. Thus an energy offer available remains the region, naturally and directly with the local hydropower plants of Bigge and Sorpe won is”, Tonis Arens, technical director of the Lister – and Lennekraftwerke, making the energy Verbund BIGGE energy together with Stadtwerke Attendorn and Olpe Stadtwerke pleased. Prior to the award of the certificate, the TuV checked consistently the way from the farm to the consumer. Prerequisite for the certification was also the regular information of the customers to the eco power product and an easy way to terminate. The directive that supplements the standard fare used to promote renewable energies, was fulfilled. The slight overhead of 0.5 euro-cents per kWh for BIGGE pure benefit directly regional environmental and energy projects. So more attractive offers to set up for clean power. More and more consumers opt for green electricity, the stronger the development of other renewable energy sources can be supported in the region. For more information, company portrait: under the brand name BIGGE energy Stadtwerke Attendorn, the Stadtwerke have Olpe and the Lister – Lennekraftwerke bundled many skills and joint activities. Applies to all companies: we want to offer our customers the best of and around the Bigge. With sauerland virtues: honest and down to Earth, but also modern and innovative. The strong ties with the region and the resulting advantages for our customers are at the heart of our group. BIGGE stands out energy in particular through transparency and sustainable rates of the supposed cheap providers. The power grid is expanded and modernized. New sources of energy are linked, with the focus on renewable energy. Press contact: PSV MARKETING GMBH Stefan Kohler Ruhrststrasse 9 57078 Siegen t. 02 71. 77 00 16-16 F. 02 71. 77 00 16-29 social media information psv: pages/Siegen-Germany/psv-marketing/244764978955

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Tues Savings

For those who are accustomed to take your money and do not want to put up with wasteful incandescent lamps, was invented by the so-called compact fluorescent (or energy saving) bulb – CFLs. As in conventional fluorescent lamps, cfl is a discharge tube filled with argon, and ballast (starter). All this construction is seated in a standard cap of diameter 27 or 14 mm (light-EP), which allows threading it into the chuck of any chandelier sconces or lamps. Lamp itself, as its name implies, looks compact and neat. Due to the fact that between the U-shaped (or spiral) and the bulb socket is an electronic starter, the height of the lamp a little more normal. But more often it does not exceed 15-16 cm If the bulb is shining an incandescent tungsten filament in a cfl light formed quite differently. Initially, the lamp appears invisible ultraviolet radiation. Inflicted the same on the inner walls of the flask special substances – phosphor-convert uv into visible light. Until recently, little fluorescent lamps used in living rooms as there were only tubular and gave Cold shadowless light. Today, thanks to the invention of compact lamps and new phosphors will have a wider choice of lamps. Energy-saving lamps with the same color intensity consume 5-6 times less electricity than incandescent bulbs. In other words, the usual 60W corresponds to the brightness of cfl power of 11 Tues Savings of electricity under such a change will be more than 80% In addition, they are much more durable. If the resource lamps incandescent, on average less than 800-1.000 hours, then their energy-saving competition it varies from 6.000 (the cheapest of the samples) to 10.000 or even 15.000 hours. Tips "seasoned" – usually on energy-saving lamps marked their color Temperature: 2.700 K – "warm white" (yellow light similar to incandescent lamps) 4.000 K – "Natural" (the tone is closer to white) 6.400 K – "Daylight" (blue and white) – Fluorescent lamps "do not like "frequent switching on and off. It is desirable that the interval between them was more than two minutes. cfl has a relatively high color rendering index of -85%. But many Chinese manufacturers, this figure does not exceed 45-55%. These lamps is better not to buy, if important to you proper display of color in the interior. – Like all fluorescent lamps, CFLs contain small amounts of mercury. Therefore, this lamp is better throw in the package. – Energy-saving lamps with electronic starter can adjust the dimmer (dimmer). Average prices for compact fluorescent lamps in Kiev Mark Price, uah. Power, W corresponds to the brightness of an incandescent bulb, 9T sram, Germany 54-56 November 1960 osram, Germany 56-60 20100 philips, the Netherlands 22-25 November 1960 philips, Holland 24-26 14 75 lummax, Ukraine, 15-17 November 1960 lummax, Ukraine, 17-20, 20100 volta, Ukraine, 17-20 November 1960 volta, Ukraine 20-22 15 75 Space, China on 19-20 November 1960 Cosmos, China 23-24 20,100 energy saving lamps can be replaced from 6 to 15 ordinary bulbs

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Cheaper Energy Provider

Really save on gas costs. A change of the energy provider up to 50prozent of the cost savings due to the pending increases of in gas prices should necessarily have a look in your old gas provider contract. Sometimes, you will be amazed what enormous savings can be achieved. Following aspects should be sure to observe this: first step you should take a look in your current contract. The conditions of cancellation are important. Many providers use a minimum term of 12 months. Here, you can cancel then only before expiry of the term with a period of 6 weeks. Ideally you should write the next appointment in your calendar. Some vendors have also a much shorter term. Note: Another way of termination is when a rate change their provider. Then an extraordinary termination right is available to you. Then you can find a new energy supplier. Following aspects you should consider when switching to a new Provider Note: minimum: most providers require their customers to a minimum term of 12 months. Some work some energy providers with shorter maturities. You should consider this necessarily upon completion of the contract. The term is an important aspect in connection with a price guarantee. Notice: Also this period is of great importance. You should be sure to record the termination date of your current contract itself. You miss the granted period of notice, the contract is extended automatically to an agreed time. Prepayment: Some providers, you can get an additional discount if you are willing to pay the announced costs for several months in advance. The cost for three, six or twelve months, this can be dependent on the provider. Make sure at the conclusion of the contract on this condition. Some providers offer discounted rates only with a corresponding advance payment. Price guarantee: At changing rates offers a price guarantee an interesting alternative to get a certain security in the energy costs. Of course, you can pay these guarantee the appropriate provider. You have to pay something more than if you do without a guarantee. Mostly the providers give a guarantee of three to twelve months. Bonus: All providers are always looking for new customers. Accordingly, many gas suppliers admit your customers special bonuses in the contract. This can be discounts or free gas units. Compare the different bonus offers. Base price: Most providers the gas price comprises a standing charge and a price per unit. Look not only at the individual prices. A provider with a low basic price must be not necessarily cheaper than a provider with a high basic price. The total price for a current year is crucial. Only this component can be compared. Online rates: Some providers offer special online fares exclusively on the Internet. These are very cheap and can be booked only via the Internet. Tip: Exist so that you do not countless offers, some service providers on the market, which will give you free prepare direct price comparison between the energy suppliers. To do this, you must specify only your current consumption data (consumption per year) and your place of residence. You will then receive an overview of possible alternatives. Here you can compare directly various providers

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