Customer Service

In addition, you can provide your customers with a service to individual order, in case of lack of interest in its preparation. For example, we write the coordinates such a client, we seek the necessary medication, and if it is registered, order it, then the customer can drive up behind him in any of our pharmacies. 7. Create a pleasant atmosphere in the pharmacy We wanted to change over the years formed stereotype. We conducted a series of market research to understand what still want our potential customer. To his surprise, the first thing we noticed was that people go to the pharmacy only when already sick and respectively perceive it along with the hospital. For example, there were such comments, 'With a child, I will not go there because there just go to sick people.

" So initially we wanted to inspire our customers that the pharmacy have to go to primarily to prevent the disease that must constantly worry about yourself and your health. And we did it – today we are positioning ourselves as a retailer of goods for beauty and health. People are already saying that they will go not to the pharmacy, and in '36, 6 '. The pharmacy should always be clean, since a well-washed walls and floors, all staff up to the cleaners, should be neatly dressed, the staff should be courteous and competent. Do not forget to provide a convenient access to all products offered at your pharmacy. For example, a network of pharmacies '36, 6 'non-prescription drugs and pharmaceutical goods are arranged thematically on the cabinets: a means for body care, antipyretic means, pain killers and so on.

Author: admin