Tag: Education
Psihobiokompyuter – a manifestation of a material substance as a super-consciousness, as a separate functional system, it can be used to develop different phenomenal abilities of the person (different types of memory – photographic, music, computer, different ways of seeing, unconventional forms of information – crawl spaces, telepathy, etc.). These capabilities and the ability to blur the line between material and intangible spaces, extend the range of perception and understanding of objective reality. Our Russian scientist Academician VM Bronnikov proposed and existing projects that are not based on man-caused approach but development of the natural features of the human body. But these opportunities are so significant that they seem fantastic, unbelievable. What can do Bronnikov? First of all, by his method almost anyone of any age can learn to manage your biofield, so as not to tire, to be healthy, balanced, confident. Secondly, the method of Bronnikov develops new qualities of the brain, a new tool to understand the world – psihobiokompyuter, develops a person's memory to the phenomenal amount, imaginative creative vision without overloading the mind and not tired. The most effective method of Bronnikov for children aged 7-14 years. This means that our students can be healthy and balanced, quickly, deeply and creatively assimilate the learning material. Third, the method of Bronnikov can develop in a person the ability to see with my eyes closed, which means to be able to perceive the world holistically, to see ourselves, the internal organs (their own and others) on the mineral and cellular level, to diagnose diseases of these organs. Learning by this method allows the blind to learn to see. Experts Bronnikov method together with the Department of Ophthalmology Tver Medical Academy, engaged in the restoration of visual function in patients with impaired vision. Those patients who recover these function is not possible, using our methodology, and develop an alternative way of seeing. Similarly, patients with hearing loss can develop an alternative way of hearing. Work with patients with cerebral palsy, diabetes diabetes and other ailments.