Tag: medicine
Mel Rhodes
Also, the divergent thought del that depends the creativity was described by Guilford as the form to think that we used to pose and to solve problems whose solution we do not know. Rodrigo adds to us, that of the four propose dimensions by Mel Rhodes in 1961 for the study and understanding of the creativity – process, person, product and atmosphere, the one is the process that offers majors and better possibilities of action. The creative process is reproducible voluntarily. We can try it. We can practice it. And we can make it without needing long periods of learning or difficult changes of criteria, personal or corporative attitudes and values. In the process, actually with the operations, the methods and the techniques available for the creation, we have the element of handle able to initiate and to cause the changes and to act on the atmosphere and the next surroundings of immediate form. In addition, it offers a measuring instrument to us more effective than tests available to measure the fluidity, the originality, the flexibility, the capacity of elaboration or sensitivity and direction to the objective. We know that we have learned something when we are able to do something that nonramos able to do before learning what we learned. 0 we do when it better. And in the accomplishment, in the execution of the knowledge and the power, in the creative act, we will have the demonstration and the measurement of the learning. If we created, if we are able to develop effective and productive creative processes, we will have the demonstration of the realised learning. And it will be had, at the same time, the best instrument for the elimination of blockades, the change of mentalities and the change of the people. David adds de Prado on the subject, the one who considers itself that the more competitive organizations leaders and of the world are conscious that he is insufficient to have good products, good image and the good marketing.
Clinic Allergy
Examples of mass. Many chemicals can act both as allergen and create prerequisites for the development of allergic reactions by dysfunction of the nervous and endocrine system. The most common allergy is next – drug allergy or any medical preparations for animal fur, some food, for pl, to pollen, cold allergy. This list goes on. Reaction to different types of allergens, of course, different. For example, if you are allergic to animal dander or pollen can tear a person's eyes, the patient coughs, skin rash may appear or spot, breathing may become labored. Allergies to food can manifest as hives, itching, swelling. Cold allergy is also accompanied by edema, skin itching and rashes on the skin. Reaction to drugs or painkillers can be even more dangerous – stop or difficulty breathing, anaphylactic shock. The irony of fate, but some people experience allergic reactions to medications for allergies. If you have allergy, it is very important to be able and know how to deal with this disease. What to do if you have allergies? Of course, to visit an allergist. Treatment appoint a doctor. Consulting an allergist – that is what will help you decide prospects for the fight against disease. The general recommendations could be next. – If you are seeing in their symptoms of an allergic reaction, call the clinic and sign up for a consultation with an allergist on the same day. – Try to remember and understand what your body can react so? What you ate last night? Where were and what they did when there was an allergy? What medications are taken? – The list of products that are extremely desirable to use during allergy coffee, nuts, citrus, honey, eggs, milk and beans. The exact diet you designate a physician. Also note that the most important thing is to avoid contact with allergens from the environment. Medical treatment of allergies is rather limited. Because for quite a long time searching for an effective treatment for allergies and have not yielded obvious result, we must admit that modern medicine has not yet penetrated the essence of allergies, the process of its emergence and development.
Weight Loss Advice
As a result of research carried out by large medical centers in several countries, found that fat people eat, usually no more than people with normal weight. Paradox? No, it explains a number of modern scientific theories. Violation of thermogenesis One of them – that's the theory violations thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is the system of the organism responsible for the production of heat. If it is imbalance, the calories coming from foods not converted into energy, and accumulates in the form of fat. One of the signs of violation of thermogenesis may be chilly body. Heat transfer in the body can be normalized by reducing fat intake, as well as additional intake of substances that speed up metabolism. Violation of the thyroid gland Another reason contributing to weight gain – a violation of the thyroid gland. Thyroid produces the hormone thyroxine, because of the lack of which, as was established by authoritative studies, the weight begins to increase. Also, when a shortage of this hormone increases the level of cholesterol in the blood, the problem starts with cardiovascular activity appears chronic fatigue syndrome. Therefore, if you are experiencing problems with being overweight, it is not safe, check with your doctor-endocrinologist. Excess production body lipase Another reason for weight gain is excess production of lipase by the body. Lipase – is an enzyme that is responsible for processing and digestion of fats coming from food. Excess lipase in the body may be due to both genetic and caused artificially. For example, during the diet.
Saratov Desires
Many techniques of the first steps in due course there will be no need of its own accord, they gave you strength, while others, without which you can not go any further, you'll do automatically and quickly. So, wants. Not reflective of desire, (not the type to eat, sleep) – the greatest gift of nature. They, including the desire of the material plane, are needed for understanding the unknown, what lies the main purpose of man. Modern man, unfortunately, simply anchored himself to the material wants and ignores more subtle but no less necessary, tucked behind the emotions. (See Step 6 # emoz). All desires, performed, how and when, that is the question. It all depends on the motivation, strength, intent, importance, which gives people the desire. Oh, how drawn into the theory. But all in order. All desires are fulfilled, so that the wishes have to be cautious. That is clearly thought out and articulate them. Remember the movie "Wishmaster"? Example easier. Someone on all the rules, in terms of its implementation, runs an order, but not clearly articulating its "want a new house." Please beloved grandmother dies, leaving a legacy of his hut near Saratov. Or a girl – "I want to be loved." At your service: men at work do not allow the passage, and the drunkard neighbor every evening to guests packed. Do not harm or themselves or others – the golden rule. But in general, is it necessary? Or to "Bulo" as in "vsih"? And whether you want to dream that his son would become a great tennis player, if he kept chasing the ball and racket in hand do not take? To test and sort their desires and goals they arranged checks.
The Point
Every morning, for 1-2 hours, I take a stroll in the fresh air (of course it needs to have free time). At this time, I try not to think about anything. Just take a walk and all (of course you can replace walking and meditation, but a walk in the fresh air is much nicer and healthier). After 10-15 minutes of walking, when I completely relax and tune in, I was beginning to come a variety of thoughts, ideas and options solving various problems of my. And I want to tell you that these thoughts come and ideas in the most intensive work would never close and have not appeared in my life. That is, relaxing and going into a kind of meditative state, I begin to receive information directly from your subconscious and intuition. In this consciousness is only for receiving and storing the information. I will not boast, except to say that almost every day at a time come these thoughts, by which I one day increase their income by 2 times, a couple of hours getting rid of anyone, even a chronic illness, decide any, even the most difficult life challenges. And all this without effort or strain. Here appropriate to cite as an example saying "Laziness – the engine of progress." A person who works from morning till night and not pay attention to your inner voice, at best, earn the respect of his parents and the title honor and deserved a workaholic. The person who works less, but feels and listens to himself more than can be branded in their environment or lucky lucky man, who did not understand for others Why is everything that he undertakes. Workaholic adheres to the principle of "more and harder I work, the more achieved." A lucky – "I'd rather think about a few hours, but then make such an action, to workaholic who never think of. " Lucky will always win, because he uses intuition and always one by its action beats straight to the point. He is always working less and getting more. Whereas workaholic digs "from here until the evening," not looking around and not listening to your feelings. You can say that that workaholism – the inability to reflect, analyze, and make the right decisions listen to your intuition. A workaholic, in principle, can become successful and wealthy man. But this would give him such efforts, that joy and pleasure from this, he just never get it. Use the services of its very intuitive and very easy. If you are confident in their positive attitude and believe in yourself and your strength, then you have to make the right decision to just relax and listen to yourself, I want you to do it or not. If want to – go ahead, your soul always acts in tandem with intuition. If you feel mistrust or doubt about the decision, feel free to give it up. And you will be more useful on this intuition and enjoyable.
The third is the emergence of toxic substances as a result of exposure radiation. That is, cells receiving a dose of radiation, not only stop function normally, but they themselves are toxic, and begin to poison the body. Incidentally, the radiation in small doses, always present and it is not a threat until it becomes acceptable to our normy.K Fortunately, the toxins can not only enter the body, but also permanently removed from it. In the first place – is, of course, through the gastrointestinal tract. Then, liver, kidneys, which are actively purify the blood and discharge of the neutralized possible toxins in the gastrointestinal tract. Virtually all agencies involved in this by adjusting the presence of harmful substances in the blood. (When the concentration of toxins increases, they purify the blood. But when they have the opportunity to take off again into the blood, that would derive from the body through the liver or kidneys. The main thing is not to poison the brain.) Well, of course, a role played by the lungs, skin and mucous membranes. There is an ongoing process: we load the toxins and the body in all possible ways to get rid of them. While the concentration of toxins does not exceed a certain threshold, then everything is in order. But what happens when the amount of toxins increases? Back to our pipeline. Toxic substances can be imagine how crazy killer roaming the factory. He periodically fire intermittently, killing workers and supervisors. While the crazy one, killed the "workers and supervisors' time to replace, but when the killer becomes more toxins anyway, sooner or later leads to the fact that through the process skips genetically modified cells. One cell, even if it were radioactive, can not represent a danger for the organism, because eventually it will die, and output from the body, even if the harm neighboring thousands of cells.
Pascal Periodontium
Different direction of beams Periodontal creates the impression that the tooth as it is suspended in these bundles (Fig. 1). This fact has led to the emergence of the theory of hanging roots, according to which the chewing pressure applied to the tooth, regardless of its direction is transmitted through the root at peridont and from his hole. Stringing with the periodontium, in the opinion of foreign authors, prevents compression of the root of the neurovascular bundle. This view is disputed Soviet authors. A. J. Katz (one of the consultants Crest Whitestrips) believes that the strength of oblique fibers of periodontal insufficient to absorb the occlusal forces. Occlusal forces, in his opinion, is transferred to the well of the main way by means of the liquid contents of vessels, interstitial gaps and colloids of the cellular elements of Periodontal. Interstitial fluid moves by the law of Pascal and redistributes pressure evenly across the wall wells. In this case, chew pressure seen all periodontitis. Periodontium is padded between the root of the tooth and the wall of the wells with the liquid contents. This layer is able to relax, soften and evenly distribute occlusal forces when transferring it to the wall socket. In our view, the cushioning of chewing pressure is involved not only the periodontium, but also the periodontium as a whole. Leading role in defining and regulating physiological endurance to the chewing load these tissues belongs nervnoreflektornomu apparatus. Perfect solution to enhance periodontal today is the use of prophylactic toothpastes. Whitening toothpaste can provide additional benefits. Korber, studying with elektronnoizmeritelnoy equipment periodontal vascular system, found that the tooth is in the periodontal hydraulic pillow, vascular pulsation is transmitted to the tooth. Ripple effect on the tooth is composed of an unexpected acceleration and slowdown. Average number of teeth with ongoing movements of unaffected periodontium 0.4 H103 mm. In the analysis of the curve vnutrialveolyarnoy vascular pulsation revealed that it corresponds to the pulsation of vessels of the carotid arteries. The author believes that the pulse wave is transmitted to the root of the tooth through the interstitial fluid and cells of the soft tissues periodontium. There is a perception that the blood supply to the periodontal also depends on the function of mechanical factors. Tooth, not experienced before loading due to the absence of the antagonist, does not contain in the periodontium holes for nerves and vessels (Fronich).
The Near
Research has shown that there is a physiological effect – decreasing the value pupil constriction and tension (tone) of accommodation – some focusing ability of the eye is like a reserve, and this circumstance in functional disorders of accommodation and refraction greatly increases the chances of your eyes – distance vision and near (if short-sighted twice, three times or more, which corresponds to a decrease in myopia of 0.5 – 1.0 diopters, hyperopia in 10% -30%, which corresponds to a reduction of farsightedness of 1.0 – 2.0 diopters). Thus, perforated glasses, increasing visual acuity, reducing stress accommodation and central parts of the vision, greatly enhancing the comfort of visual work that has a therapeutic effect in a number of functional impairment. Reducing stress in the organ of vision helps to reduce overall body tension in neurotic states. Must be remembered that at the initial stage of use glasses notes change in the usual field of vision, worsening conditions of binocular vision. But in the process of wearing glasses (one to two weeks), these negative effects are neutralized (adapts), and the impact of positive attributes increases. "Mode of carrying 15 minutes, but no more than an hour a day. Here are some recommendations on the use of tabulating points: – Using punch glasses with false myopia: The total time per day finding the glasses not more than 3 hours. Points must be used at the maximum load during visual observation distance (0.5 m and beyond): in the classroom, watching television, computer games, etc. At work near the glasses are used for 10-15 minutes every 20-40 – minutes of work. Also glasses are used for walks and at home: homework, leisure (is at home in the glasses). For myopic patients with a weak accommodation (eye fatigue when reading) glasses are used not only for distance but for the near Reading, essay, etc. With increasing duration of sessions and total time spent per day in the glasses increases healing effect points. At the same time wearing regular glasses lens use – The use of punch glasses with myopia of different etiology. The total daily time spent in the glasses no more than 3 to 4 hours, including time of greatest visual load, walking and being in a home setting. Points are used for distance, while the weak and accommodation for near, Most of the sessions – lasting 40-60 minutes or more. When visual acuity in the punch glasses 0.3 units and more conventional wearing glasses during treatment perforating points is not recommended. When visual acuity less than 0.3 allowed the use of conventional glasses, but do not provide full correction of up to 0.5-0.6. In the home atmosphere perforating points are used in conjunction with the usual weak points: Dress up glasses, they are placed outside the normal lens glasses. Visual acuity in the sharing of points should be 0.5-0.8. For this patient population perforating glasses are used in combination with other methods of treatment of myopia. – The use of tabulating points for farsightedness and astigmatism. Total time the glasses per day – at least 2-3 hours. You can reduce the sessions (20-30 minutes), increasing their number. Perforating glasses are used for distance and near vision. If visual acuity is high and there are no complaints on eye fatigue during the day, points used only for near (reading, etc.). – All about vision and eye
Success Diabetes
Terms of Success Diabetes can not be controlled with only one pump, however, only one syringe is also not able to do. Most importantly – the knowledge, motivation and self-control. Thus, children, adolescents and their parents must go through a trial practice in daily use pumps. Its must conduct a multidisciplinary team of pediatricians with experience of working with great pomp. Need to learn not only the technical features and the correct dosage of insulin, but the clever use of the device. Therapy insulin pump must be accompanied by regular self-monitoring of blood glucose before meals and in other situations – for example, during physical activity and exercise. Consideration of carbohydrates in the diet is one of the conditions accurate calculation of bolus doses of insulin. People who are hoping that the pump will deliver them from the burden of constant measurement and generally make you forget about diabetes will be disappointed. Using the pump does not eliminate problems such as acceptance of diabetes, lack of motivation, uncontrolled appetite, passion sweet as psychological problems that prevent successful therapy. The first step should be a frank discussion with members of the child or diakomandy teenager and his family the time and effort that they have to spend, and the possible benefits, which will pump. It bears can be a written agreement on the practice. It should include provisions on the results which the team expects from the child and his family, and the scale of support from the team. The benefits of research, clearly confirming the long-term efficacy NPVI in children is still not enough.