Tag: health
Lipedema Disease
As doctors gently remove large quantities of fat food March 2013 – the Lipedema disease is a common hereditary chronic fat distribution disorder that occurs exclusively in women. A genetic predisposition and hormonal influences are suspected as causes. Factors so that can be manipulated. The Lipedema disease shows typically in the form of disproportionately thick legs and also poor at often at the same time its slim fuselage. In addition a tension and heaviness and a distinctive touch and pressure tenderness become the optics in the affected upper and lower legs. The suffering of these patients, who often suffer at a young age the pathologically increased adipose tissue, is enormous. Solves the problem here in the long run only one operation. Using the water jet assisted liposuction, excess body fat can be removed very gently, quickly and safely. In the treatment of the Lipedema disease significantly greater need Amounts of fat are removed as in operations for purely aesthetic reasons”, so the Lipedema expert Dr. Stern. It applies the water jet-assisted Liposuktionstechnik and achieved very good results in its Lipedema patients. The method using the water jet assisted liposuction can be removed abnormally excess body fat especially vapourisation. It makes use of the procedure of the rolling force of the water jet. In contrast to the conventional techniques of liposuction, the fat with significantly less effort and with a reduced risk of occurrence of side effects from the affected areas of the body is released. Significantly less Tumescent liquid is fed to the body prior to surgery. The surgery itself is possible under local anesthesia (no general anesthesia required) and the drug burden is minimized as a result. Because parallel is done rinsing and suctioning of fat cells, the operating time can be reduced. The advantage of this method of operation is also that I already during the Operation the result can estimate very well.
Regular and stable visit cedar fitobochek gets rid of many diseases, which include colds, chronic bronchitis, arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the compositions and skin, respiratory system diseases, and much more. People who love to have their skin has always been young and had a healthy appearance, it is necessary several times a week to attend a mini-cedar sauna. Procedures in cedar barrel help open pores, softening and removing the dead cells of epidermal layer, which in turn makes the skin supple, youthful and beautiful. Much better result will bring and cosmetic procedures performed in combined with a visit to phyto barrels. Those people who constantly struggle with obesity will be able to appreciate all of the beneficial effect of mini-procedures cedar saunas. Doctors say that 30 minutes spent in phytoplankton barrel could well replace the ten kilometer run. This method of weight loss is not only the most effective and proven, but also enjoyable. If you regularly attend a mini-cedar sauna can once and for all from the problem of cellulite. During the whole process there is a strong influence of active substances, which contain a pair of herbs and oil extracts on body fat, which were later removed from the body with sweat. Application of this type of procedure also helps to increase the resulting effect on the subsequent massage and beauty events. Font wood, which is one of the most important attributes any Russian baths are widely used for multiple prophylactic and therapeutic procedures. Based on the foregoing, we conclude that the presence of domestic cedar mini-sauna, largely helps its owner to anti-cellulite and excess weight, various diseases, increases immunity and promotes conservation, both internal and external health and beauty of the body.